Wednesday, April 19, 2006

how to be a music snob, lesson 7

Pixies - Velouria [from Bossanova, 1990]

The post on why being a music snob necessitates being a huge Pixies fan should be a foregone conclusion. The most influential band of the past twenty years, the soft verse-loud chorus thing, blah blah blah. I'm not even going to bother...if you don't know already, forget any chance you had of being a true snob. This song, from Black Francis & Co.'s penultimate album [the usual cliche here being "already showing signs of tension between Kim Deal and the rest of the band!"], is my very favorite Pixies song of all time. Also, despite their total suckage of the past six years, I still love Weezer's cover of this (and that may be the first time I've ever written that band's name without the =W=. Damnit, I just did).

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