Sunday, May 21, 2006

a crepuscular massage

Sunset Rubdown - Stadiums And Shrines II [from Shut Up I Am Dreaming, 2006]

Wow, it's been quite a while, so my humblest apologize to all the fanatical Los Angeleez readers out there. I have a great deal of phenomenal music to update you on, so I will post as frequently as possible to plow through this pile. Let's start here with the excellent Sunset Rubdown, yes? This band and album have been promoted as the "new release from Wolf Parade's Spencer Krug." Well, I never listened to Wolf Parade, so that didn't do it for me. The uber-indie-rock-ness of this album, however, blew my fucking mind. I hear pieces of Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, the Arcade Fire, Sufjan, Broken Social Scene, and pretty much every other indie band I love in a magnificent mashup. Remember how those "Return Of The Rock" bands in 2002 all sounded like an amalgam of the Stones, New York Dolls, and Stooges (and only a couple actually pulled that off well)? Sunset Rubdown is the indie equivalent, successfully. Though I was quite annoyed by this song's title, which should actually be "Stadia And Shrines." Fucking latinate pluralizations.

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