Monday, May 07, 2007

relaunch + rolling stones [old music]

Los Angeleez has joined the Yes + iverse and on an auspicious occasion...35 years ago today was the release of the insta-classic album Exile on Main Street. Suffice it to say, this post will be a placeholder until the real "hypetastic" music criticism comes online, as I enjoy the new Sarkozy administration in a chateau in the south of France while railing lines of Keef's dad. For those of you that are new to the house of Angeleez, I post mp3 links via yousendit, broke-ass style, and my music criticism is not always uber-current. E.g., I will go buy the new Bjork album tomorrow, when it's released, but probably not post on it for a week or two so that it may properly digest in my brain and heart.
I suggest you get rip-roaringly drunk on good red wine and/or Kentucky bourbon. Then, as the sun is rising the next morning and your bender tips over into hangover, let that not-so-attractive-anymore person that you're with lead you into the bedroom and let it loose; let it all come down (so says Mick).

the Rolling Stones - Let It Loose [from Exile on Main Street, 1972]

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